Monday 7 November 2011


The main idea of our narrative is to be very abstract and bizarre for the audience. We found from our audience research that some people expect the narrative to be hard to understand and not completely tell the story, leaving it on a cliffhanger or leaving it for the viewer's imagination to decide.

From this we wanted to create something that was exciting to look at but also strange and original with the main plot line open for discussion and consideration.


The opening shot would be of a blindfolded figure coming into focus who seems disorientated and confused. He stumbles across an old mirror only to have his reflection act in a completely different way. The reflection has an old book in his hand and looks to the right, hinting to the figure to search for it. The blindfolded man turns to find an old bookcase holding many books. He begins frantically searching through the books, not knowing what to look for until he finds 'You've only done this to yourself' written in one of the books. The man looks back at his reflection in the mirror to find it has disappeared.

The protgonist in the narrative will be a smartly dressed man who is blindfolded. The audience will have no idea of his past or why he is in this state but I find this adds to the mystery and abstract approach to our narrative.

The old book will be a significant prop in the narrative due to the reflection indicating that the man has to find it. It also links back to the band's name, In Archives.

The old mirror will be very effective in the narrative, its age is interesting and it also is more attractive to the audience and makes sense to have an old mirror rather than a more modern one.

Having the reflection behaving completely different is an intertextual reference to the horror film, 'Mirrors'. It also adds to the abstract approach as well as fitting in with the metalcore genre with a dark and sinister nature of the narrative.

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