Friday 10 February 2012

2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

The music video promo enables the band’s fan base and other audiences to not only listen to the song but also view a video showcasing the bands talent as they perform the song as they would do live. A music promo features a lot of different camera shots and these can focus on each band member or individual artist. The release of a music video alongside the single or album helps promote the band through a different type of media as the video would be able to be viewed on the internet as well as music TV channels that fit with the genre of the song. Our music video would be played on music channels such as ‘Kerrang!’ and ‘Scuzz.’ This is because they are music channels specifically for metal songs and therefore our music video would be most suitably played on these channels. Having the video being played on TV channels gets the song and the band across to a wide range of audiences.
Scuzz Tv, another channel that would show our

Kerrang TV, one of the tv channels
that would air our music promo

Meanwhile the internet is used by millions of people and having the video on websites such as youtube, facebook and vimeo increases the chances of it being viewed by a large number of people, therefore promoting the band. In Archives would post the video on their facebook wall for all their fans to see and view. This also helps with other people seeing the video as fans can then share the video with other people and have people that aren’t aware of their bands existence see the video and listen to their songs, therefore increasing the bands popularity. The digipack is the packaging of the CD of the album or single which is sold in stores for fans to buy. The artwork of the digipack often has meaning to the band or artist and it is subject to the genre of what the artwork consists of. In our case we used In Archive’s logo on the front of the digipack, with influences from other metalcore digipacks. Alongside the physical CD, the digipack also has the track list of each song on the album which is conventionally on the back. The digipack is also something of a collector’s item as music is mainly bought and listened to online so having the digipack in physical form is something which the fans can keep and cherish.
Kerrang! Magazine, associated
with Kerrang TV
The purpose of the magazine advert is to promote the band and the release of their album. The advert would be in a music magazine that is consistent with the genre which shows the band or artist as well as the image of the digipack artwork along with the release date and other possible information such as tour dates. Magazines are widely read and to have an advert in a popular music magazine is a very efficient way of promoting the release of the single or album as well as the band. For our magazine advert it would be printed in metal magazines such as ‘Kerrang!’ and Alternative Press. Kerrang! is a very popular rock and metal magazine in the UK and having the bands new album release increases the likelihood of currents fans buying the album but also people that haven’t of the band before to check out them out, listen to their music on their facebook page and then buy the new album.

I believe that these days’ music videos are mainly viewed on the internet due to websites such as youtube and facebook. For a band to take advantage of the popularity of facebook as a social networking site, making a band profile means that fans can ‘like’ them and keep up to date with the bands goings on. When a band releases a new single they post the video on facebook as well as a link for fans to purchase the song on iTunes for example. Promoting a band on the internet is the most effective way to gain popularity and become known to a large audience.
Releasing the three products at the same time helps promote the band as a ‘brand.’ Having the three products released to the public showcases that they all link and can be consumed by the audience in different ways. Together the music promo, digipack and magazine advert all link the band together and promote them as a brand to the public. Individually each product helps promote the band through different media forms and technologies; the music promo can be consumed on the internet as well as music channels. Whilst the digipack can purchased in stores such as HMV; the album would be located in the smaller ‘rock’ section of the store. The album can also be purchased digitally of iTunes, which is a very popular way to purchase music. It decreases the hassle of having to go out and buy the physically album as you can be sat at home and the album will download straight into your music library and onto a music playing device. It is a very easy and effective way of purchasing music; however you lose out on having the physical digipack to keep as a collector’s item. The magazine advert promotes the band and their album release to the public and fans of different music genres by being printed in genre relevant magazines. Having certain aspects that link each product together reinforces the idea that the band becomes a brand as they are all related and support each other as well as being effective individually. The mirrors frame design links the music promo, digipack and magazine advert together with the design appearing on the foldouts on the digipack and on the magazine advert. The dirt and grimy theme on the digipack also features on the magazine advert which references the band name of In Archives, with the condition of old documents from archives being similar to the dirt on the digipack. The book that is found in the narrative is also in very poor condition, much like old documents, this again links to the ancillary tasks.

Digipack analysis 

Our digipack features a gatefold system. The bottom three panels are; the front cover on the right
the middle panel is the back with the tracklisting, barcode and contact details. The left hand panel is the inside flap which features a live photograph and the band name. We wanted to have something that grabs your attention straight away when you open the digipack and having this famous live shot is a good way to do it as you instantly recognise the band. The cover features the bands 'IA' logo which is a trademark image for the band as the have this logo on teeshirts and stickers. The overall design of the digipack is made to look quite dated and ruined with faded colour and lots of dirt effect around the edges. The old wallpaper design is reminscent to the mirrors frame in the music promo and we wanted to have this effect to link them together. The simple front cover also features the album name 'Simple Days.' Having this simple front cover design stands out more and having the bold band logo instantly stands out to fans. The top three panels are the inside panels. The top right is where the album CD would sit. The middle panel feautres text that was written by In Archives, personally thanking their families, friends and fans. The panel also features a slit in the top where a pull out with the lyrics to all the songs would go. The left panel is where the bonus DVD disk would sit which feautres the 'Step Down' music promo and behind the scenes documentary. Including the DVD in the digipack is something that is done by a lot of bands as a thank you to the fans and also to let them see an insight to what the band are like when they are not performing. The theme for the inside panels features live shots that are all in black and white, we found that many digipacks feautre a theme all the way through and we wanted to incoporate this into our design.

Magazine Advert analysis

We wanted to continue the same design from our digipack to the magazine advert to keep continuity and make it easier for fans to recognise the band. The magazine advert features all the elements from a conventional magazine advert. We wanted the most dominant image to be the digipack front cover so the fans will recognise what album it is and take notice. The overall design is simple as we didnt want to make the advert too overcrowded with information so we kept the text to a minimum. The release date can be clearly seen which is a very important part of the advert so fans will know when they can purchase it. We included a promotional photograph of the band to add colour which will draw the eye of viewers to the advert; it also promotes the band as their image will be seen by more people. We also included the and iTunes logo onto the advert so it gives fan the information that the album will be avaliable for purchase from both the internet, iTunes and instore shops.

Music Promo analysis

We continued the theme of the dirt and ruined features from the digipack and magazine advert design. In the promos narrative an old ruined book is found. The overall condition of the book is very poor with ripped and burnt edges and also features 'You've only done this to yourself' scrawled onto some of the pages. The band's name In Archives, also inspired us to include the poor condition of the book and the design of the digipack and advert. Archives are where old books and documents have been stored over the years and the condition of these documents will deteriorate over time. So having a continued theme through all three products all links back to the bands name.

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